first frost
the birds that stay
the birds that go
beverley george 
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rainy afternoon
an ibis
slots into a row of ibises
katherine samuelowicz 
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breathing the silence
before the catbird calls
              first light
jean rasey 
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storm birds
into the thunder
jacqui murray 
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verandah railing
a magpie stares down
the dog
greg piko 
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migrating ibis
a child's black kite
breaks free
Jan Iwaszkiewicz 
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bare twigs –
the flurry of a swamphens'
mating dance
nathalie buckland 
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             a butcher bird eyes
the dog
             the dog's dinner
vanessa proctor 
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early shadows:
crows ride a windmill
back to the trough
john bird 
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a pelican
skims the waves
sunday paper
greg piko 
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quendryth young 
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a drop of water
rolls back and forth
greg piko 
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