holiday crowds–
a wombat ambles
through the snowgums
neil bramsen 
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summer twilight
kangaroos boxing
on the golf course
vanessa proctor 
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on the patio
possum footprints
in apricot juice
lyn reeves 
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    water dragon
on a head-high post—
   the pulse in its neck
john bird 
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a dandelion droops
from the wallaby's mouth
nathalie buckland 
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lifting mist
the bunyip dissolves
into tree fern
john bird 
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hum of blowflies
blood from the kangaroo’s ear
yet to dry
kevin gillam 
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evening hush
a kangaroo
hops the ridgeline
linda pilarski 
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lingering twilight
a water dragon's tail
dangles in the pool
quendryth young 
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lingering sunset –
a flying fox stretches
one wing
quendryth young 
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