Eucalypt      Articles

To share and extend the pleasures and art of writing tanka, Eucalypt will publish selected articles on its web-site, but not in the printed magazine.

These articles may be brief or substantial but they should be well-considered and where opinions other than those of the author are presented, accurately referenced.

Tanka Articles

Tanka: 'the myriad leaves of words'
by  Beverley George

Tanka in Australia 2009: A paper for the 6th International Tanka Festival, Tokyo, Japan on October 11, 2009
by  Beverley George

Tanka – is there an Australian Style?
by  Julie Thorndyke

Sensing Tanka: Perceiving Life Beyond the Ordinary
by  David Terelinck

How to...

Tanka and the Five W's
by  Michael Dylan Welch

Amateur Ruminations on the
“5–7–5–7–7” or “s–l–s–l–l”
Rule of Tanka

by  Cathy Drinkwater Better


Between Us: a Tanka Online Interview with Beverley George
by  Jeanne Emrich

Articles may be submitted [by mail only in the first instance] to Beverley George Editor Eucalypt,   PO Box 37,   Pearl Beach NSW 2256   AUSTRALIA.

They must be accompanied by a signed statement that copyright clearance has been obtained for all poems or passages quoted in the article.

Please enclose an SSAE with sufficient postage (or IRCs in the case of overseas submissions) if you would like your article returned if it is not accepted for publication.

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