The first couple of years the classes were mainly A
Cappella Singing & Songwriting.
While keeping tabs on demand and interests, the program has expanded
to include other musical disciplines and subjects. The program is consciously designed for all levels of ability, from complete beginners to professionals. It is this blend that somehow creates a supportive, stimulating, and encouraging musical and social environment in which all can flourish.
Participants customise their schedules to include as many or as few classes as they want. Most classes are held daily; a few are one offs. The final program is not revealed until the first day of camp. Students sign up for each class at camp.
2012 classes (subject to changes, additions, surprises)

Tony Backhouse will lead 2 daily classes in a cappella singing. His repertoire includes the passionate African American styles as well as surprising pop, jazz, and Tony's original, award-winning choral arrangements that are thrilling and uplifting. For the past few camps Tony has formed all eager blokes into an all male chorale that performed some spine-tingling material. This may happen again!
Songwriters will have two choices. Kristina Olsen will again teach her hugely popular Songwriting class. This daily session suits students with or without songwriting or musical experience, and always seems to enthral, inspire and make songwriters out of all participants. There's daily homework.
Songwriting - Beyond the Gateway with Aurora Jane
For experienced songwriters looking to expand upon and enhance their existing skills, this workshop will explore from foundation to realization. Utilize arrangement as a gateway to endless possibilities. Gain an understanding of what it is to be a producer, and how this broad vision can enhance your creativity. Experiment with a multitude of musical styles and textures to create something entirely different. Use the knowledge acquired to gain clarity about your unique creative vision. Ideally participants will bring 2-3 songs at near completion stage to the workshop. Expect innovation, renovation, rejuvenation.
Again this year Summersong's Band Lab workshop, which will be lead by Karl Farren . - We will also be exploring JAMMING techniques this year in a daily, open situation with guidance by various teachers, as requested!
"Playing simultaneously is not the same as playing together." There's something very special about the feeling you get when you're playing or singing with other musicians, and it 'clicks'. Whatever the lineup, there are fundamentals that apply. In this workshop you'll develop your ability to perform as part of a unit. Participants’ original songs will be workshopped into band arrangements. We will then explore the elements of structure, timing, rhythm, feel, space, dynamics, harmony, pitch/key, etc. This is NOT about being a virtuoso player. It's about playing a part that contributes to the whole. It will be very 'hands-on'.
Vocal Techniques/Performance Skills with Shelly Hughes
For all levels, this class will share a variety of vocal warm ups to energize and inspire your singing and speaking day. It will also offer a fun approach towards learning music theory and communicating using the language of music. We'll explore a range of performance techniques and ways to beat nerves and shush the inner critic, just for a moment, so you can enjoy your beautiful and unique form of expression.
Finger Style Guitar with Lloyd Spiegel
Making basic progressions, original songs and open chords into musical masterpieces by adding finger-picking techniques. As a soloist, Lloyd has relied on finger-style guitar as a means to make the most from his lone instrument. In this class, he’ll teach basic finger-style progressions and the tricks that will help players add depth to their own original pieces.
Blues Guitar (in every shade) with Lloyd Spiegel
What we love about our favourite guitarists is that they are completely unique. In this class, Lloyd will teach improvised guitar solos, jamming and most importantly, the steps to finding your own unique sound as a guitarist. He’ll also discuss blues music as a fundamental stepping stone to all music that came after and the importance of having a grounding in the blues for a career in any genre.
BASS GUITAR with Aurora Jane
This is a beginner's class for those familiar with stringed instruments, who want to understand the basics of bass playing. Some knowledge of scales, rhythm, and general musical experience will be a plus. We will explore the role of the bass in melody, rhythm, groove, et al. Please bring a bass if you can, as we'll not have more than a couple of extras.
This year for the first time we'll have a MUSICANGELO. This 'music angel' comes in the form of Luciano Mesiti, who'll be available throughout the camp to assist in the creation, refinement and enrichment of your music making. If you get stuck while composing and feel your song structure needs a better bridge, or you can't figure out how to accompany yourself on a new song, or your lyrics need honing, or you can't find the right key for your vocal range, MUSICANGELO will come to your rescue.
The daily class schedule commences after breakfast
with two morning sessions of classes. After lunch there are
three class periods, and students are encouraged to keep one period
free for their rehearsal/homework/swimming time. |
is also a day in the middle of the week where the schedule is completely
different, but I like to keep the details of that a surprise until
we're at camp.
evening activities vary from night to night. The first evening we
have an all camp kind of warm up where we do some group improvisation
while getting to know each other.
On subsequent evenings students perform their works in a kind of
cafe/club set up, the instructors perform for the students, jam
sessions, one mega party with a varying theme, and the final evening
is the concert of all the classes.
In the past we've had
Chinese New Year's sand sculpting and ceremony on the breathtaking
beach, hide and seek group games throughout the site, etc. .
usual, everyone will be asked to bring gifts to share with strangers,
as well as party gear of any description for these events.
McEwan is the sublimely creative queen of celebration,
and she will again be busy ensuring that Summersong
participants learn about the art of celebration as well as music.
further info .click here and ask